An alternative to gdkps
An alternative to gdkps likely the thing that Blizzard would have done right from the start... The idea is easy to put everything onto the badge vendor, especially in this moment, why people love gdps . Simply put, I could summarize it with one word: Control...It gives you more control of getting that object you've been hoping to find for years since if it happens to drop it's a greater assurance that it will be delivered to you. Since RNG is a like a mean mistress People are often quick to say "Yeah" but the game is much more enjoyable when it comes with extremely rare items. The reason I'd like to make an argument is it it truly enjoyable running molotencore Youth for the hundredth of 50th time ? You'll never to know if those are hanging Drop. or black temples for the glaves, I don't believe that's fun and it's a big hit to Guilds in the end. and causes more drama than it's worth because you're likely to get the exact same item again. The...