
Showing posts from June, 2022

An alternative to gdkps

An alternative to gdkps likely the thing that Blizzard would have done right from the start... The idea is easy to put everything onto the badge vendor, especially in this moment, why people love gdps . Simply put, I could summarize it with one word: Control...It gives you more control of getting that object you've been hoping to find for years since if it happens to drop it's a greater assurance that it will be delivered to you. Since RNG is a like a mean mistress People are often quick to say "Yeah" but the game is much more enjoyable when it comes with extremely rare items. The reason I'd like to make an argument is it it truly enjoyable running molotencore Youth for the hundredth of 50th time ? You'll never to know if those are hanging Drop. or black temples for the glaves, I don't believe that's fun and it's a big hit to Guilds in the end. and causes more drama than it's worth because you're likely to get the exact same item again. The...

2022 OSRS Ironman Money Authoritative Guide

Old School Runescape has altered bold modes. There is accustomed mode, which is what a lot of players are set to, breadth you are able to barter advisedly with added players and use the admirable exchange. And there is Ironman mode. This bold approach is disconnected into three seperate sub modes. Adamant man, Hardcore adamant man and Ultimate adamant man. These bold modes do not acquiesce you to barter with any added players advisedly and aswell it does not let you to use the admirable exchange. This is what makes the bold approach absolute difficult. It aswell adds added claimed aggregate to abilities and items you accomplish as they will crop abundant best to get than if you were to use the accustomed bold mode. One of the majour set backs on adamant man approach is authoritative money. Authoritative money in adamant man is absolute difficult because you do not accept admission to trading or the admirable exchange, accordingly you accept to be able to accomplish your money through ...

P2Pah D2R: All applications will be written like this

As we have seen our electricity costs rise in the last year, up to 3x and 2x I've put in power meters to determine which electrical appliance is responsible for the highest consumption. My PC is in the middle, using an RTX 3070 . When running D2R, my computer can run up to 360W of power and the majority of that is the 3070 RTX. The average is between 220W and 250W when using D2R running in the full window and on the full screen. If I press alt-tab when D2R runs, and I want to switch to another program like Edge, Chrome Edge, Excel etc, D2R goes crazy and I consume the maximum amount of 350W. This is especially true whenever the Merc decides to wander through Harrogath. When I click on a different window, and say I've you read the newspaper, but D2R is spending more than 250W because I clicked on a different application and I am unable to blame the mercenary for this one. I've created a small application that reduces D2R when the window isn't focused. When I press alt-ta...

What are your biggest Lost Ark mistakes

- Didn't steal a guardian on multiple occasions. - Created Argos equipment, but realized it was not for the right part , so I took it apart and made a new one and then upgraded my tripods to put it in inventory so that I can install the new tripods onto the brand newly constructed Argos armor. It was discovered that the Argos armor was not there and the tripod I moved onto my existing gear was actually from the brand new Argos armor. Utilized the express event as well as Feiton powerpass with my Glaivier when I had sufficient T1 mats to T2. My main wasn't designated to be awarded gold at the time the latest feature became available and also lowered Valtan P3 Argos, Valtan, etc., because my main was higher than 1415. I bought the founder's pack and I thought the game was dull because of the constant spamming G therefore it took me two weeks to get to 50 levels since I played only a few times because of boredom. Just after the patch for Valtan when the servers were up I deci...