An alternative to gdkps
An alternative to gdkps likely the thing that Blizzard would have done right from the start... The idea is easy to put everything onto the badge vendor, especially in this moment, why people love gdps.
Simply put, I could summarize it with one word: Control...It gives you more control of getting that object you've been hoping to find for years since if it happens to drop it's a greater assurance that it will be delivered to you.
Since RNG is a like a mean mistress People are often quick to say "Yeah" but the game is much more enjoyable when it comes with extremely rare items. The reason I'd like to make an argument is it it truly enjoyable running molotencore Youth for the hundredth of 50th time ? You'll never to know if those are hanging Drop. or black temples for the glaves, I don't believe that's fun and it's a big hit to Guilds in the end. and causes more drama than it's worth because you're likely to get the exact same item again.
There is also the issue of how some people be treated more quickly than others and this slows the rate of progression.
It could be that your tank needs this specific weapon or your healer needs to tranquit, or your DPS receiving whatever it is you This makes the situation more difficult for your soldiers and your Gm's.
It's also harmful to pugs, because whatever sort of loot system they choose to go with will be a big chance that, based on the kind of raid you're planning to do Most of the times will leave with nothing, which is another reason why people love Gdkps.
In the absence of anything else, they leave with gold. Here's my suggestion to solve this problem: pick every single item you can get it off of the bosses. Don't cut down on you have lute is high or increase the quantity of lute dropping off bosses.
Put them on the badger I suggest at this point it's going to be as follows if we're talking about anything ranging from the tear 4, or even za. more than 20 Badges per item. for each item. for each item Tear 6 50 per item one exception I'd suggest to the legendary glaves that drop when you reach 100 Badges.
I would think that if they did this, which there is a possibility that blizzard would do it even though it's the last day of the expansion, it would allow people to stay away from purchasing gold some degree since it gives them greater control.
No matter which software you're using, you're getting your badges. And you're always striving towards something.
This is my idea. And here i recommend p2pah wow tbc gold & wotlk classic gold for sale, 100 % great service.
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