Most discussion i have seen on the fsoa change

Most discussion i have seen on the fsoa change seems to be focused on the dpm. this is the least important aspect of the change to be considered, it is basically just a knob that can be turned up or down to get it to perform to a desired standard. We could easily make the extra hits deal 10x more or less damage and we have made it way stronger or weaker than the live fsoa.

Fractured Staff of Armadyl

The actual important question is ‘do you enjoy the way the new fsoa plays?’ and my answer is no. The new fsoa is not much different to sunshine - activate, get extra damage for a while. the way you play inside the spec is not very different to the way you play outside. Live fsoa is very different, even going so far as to make a previously useless mage special attack suddenly meta. smoke tendrils, what was once a terrible ability, is suddenly your best threshold. Mix in the balancing act of wanting to use staff for harder autos and wanting to use gconc for adrenaline/crits and you have an experience completely unlike anything else in the game. If the current beta changes go through then magics fsoa rotation will be spam gconc just like it is outside of fsoa.

I dont think it would take much for me to like the fsoa change, something like make the hits stronger with a staff (or weaker with dual wield, maybe a little of both) and give abs some innate crit chance. that would probably make the change to fsoa rotation minimal while fixing the problem the current fsoa has with having divergent dpm with more crit chance.

I would have loved to vote against this change in the beta but the poll only asked about the damage. the damage is fine, but the staff is boring and i doubt ill be using much of what is currently my favourite weapon should these changes go through.

Pros: It's more consistent, uses way less runes and is a buff to dual wield camping, reducing switchscape.

Cons: I'm gonna miss blood barrage auto's. Abs eof will have little to no use, bringing viable mage spec down to... Two. Zstaff and gstaff which is pretty much the same, just different debuff. This is lackluster and boring imo. And the situational abs, not part of most rotations.

Range has ecb, sgb, deci, dbow.

Melee has claws, long, (scim but doesn't have to be eof), halbert, ezk, zgs, lengs (all different specs)

So mage could use a bit more to make it interesting imo. Second best mage spec is now ingen sgb.

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