Longtime franchise player coming back after a few years

A long-time franchise player returning after some years...So I've put in many hours into the older Madden franchise modes. As with many of you, I enjoy managing a roster, creating talent, and seeing the game grow from year to year. As a veteran of Madden I'm not blind to its shortcomings. I was a fan of old features-less maddens as well as bad AI, and a generally ineffective trade system. I fought through it, and enjoyed it to the fullest extent I could and longed for the day when there would be a significant improvement. Then life happened and I had to stop playing.

So I picked up a copy of the current year's edition and start an enterprise, knowing that it will likely face similar issues that I had experienced in the past. In the end I had very low expectations but was prepared to play around regardless.


It's a complete chaos. Here are a few things I saw in less than five hours. They are ridiculous and shameful for a business with this size.

Bugs all over the place.

If I finish a game in franchise, and I am redirected on the main menu and have my entire progress is erased.

Menus that have broken. I have to exit one menu and it now shows the players as WRs up to the point that I go back in.

What is the reason everything loads so slowly! For instance, I'm trying to access an option and each one takes five or more minutes to load. This can make managing the roster a total grind. What's up with the ever-changing background? It does no value to the sport (and likely slows it down even more). Simultaneous training can take about ten minutes to be completed, which doesn't make any sense at all. It's basically randomizing a set of numbers.

Through the years I've also played in NBA2k as well as MLB the Show, and to say that they are significantly better than the franchise can be seen as an exaggeration. Both of these games (fans of who aren't aware of the extent of its impact on madden players) are much more in-depth and better-designed menu systems, better flexibility, and more smooth game play. Did you know that in The Show that you can see how your roster is going to look as a few years ahead? This simple fact can make managing your roster much simpler.

Scouting (aw the much-discussed latest feature) is a hot mess. It's confusing It doesn't clarify what you should do, (like WTF are "tiers" for scouts?) as well as is not a fully-developed feature. It's definitely better than earlier versions, but it's similar to using spray paint on a small turd, and labeling the work art.

I know I'm preaching to the congregation here, and I know that nothing that I'm putting forth is brand new or original. Oh my goodness, madden has become a dumpser fire. The lack of features may be excused occasionally however broken, janky systems that don't work are depressing enough. I'm planning to get back on the days of my Madden abstention.

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