
Showing posts from February, 2023

Be simply ass out broke in Lost Ark

A lot of humans are simply ass out broke in Lost Ark , it seems, so it doesn’t marvel me. Having leveled pretty some chars the remaining month i will let you know that is a layout problem. New gamers can not clean this raid due to the fact they do not have the development gamers had again withinside the day while this dungeon changed into meta and populated. The recreation calls for you to clean this raid to get equipment. Without it you CANNOT development in any respect. At the identical time there aren't anyt any geared gamers on ilvl who do this. You ought to get a deliver and on the identical time you are broke AF. So i will see why a participant whos likely very some distance in the back of and suffering thinks approximately getting a few gold himself rather than letting a veteran participant who has a big roster and lots of lost ark gold get it. It's nonetheless shitty tho. No doubt. But thats human nature which you have a few humans now no longer being concerned approxi

MMOexp Dark and Darker: Playing Rogue with the beginning dagger

Not that it doesn't suck to be "forced" to play some thing you won't prefer, however going Barb, Cleric or Ranger goes to make the primary extract infinitely simpler, and the primary extract is with the aid of using some distance the hardest. After one extract, you may purchase white guns which might be infinitely higher than starter guns, in addition to healing. That being said, you surely must by no means get hit with the aid of using fundamental melee AI. The ranged AI is lots harder, however this is wherein going Ranger or Barb is mainly advantageous. Ranger for apparent reasons, and Barb has a worry that offers you sufficient unfastened hits to kill them earlier than they assault. Playing Rogue with the beginning dagger is the second one maximum painful revel in in the sport, after gambling Wizard solo at all. Fighter's beginning weapon additionally assuredly sucks of buy Dark and Darker Gold , however the upside is they can equip nearly each weapon, so locat

Question on deflect/safety from

When is harm calculated and the way does this don't forget deflection? Let's say we are being attacked with ranged. I recognize that safety from is 50?mage discount, so a 5k variety hit might hit 2500. But what approximately with curses with its harm mirrored image? Let's say we are being attacked with ranged. With curses mirrored image harm, does that harm get eliminated from what we might've been hit? Would a 5k hit surely be 4500 (or 2250 hit) with 500 contemplated? Or might a 5k hit nonetheless lessen it to 2500 with 500 contemplated? From my short assessments I might count on it is the previous instead of the latter, however the wiki is not pretty clean, neither is the sport. It says it protects in opposition to 50% of the harm, however does it in practice? And 50% with contemplated harm eliminated first, or earlier than the contemplated harm? In my short test of  OSRS gold , I became protective in opposition to magic from a black demon and took three hits that had